Abstract | Cilj ovoga završnog rada je analizirati postupak ulaska Republike Hrvatske u Eurozonu, kriterije koje je Republika Hrvatska morala zadovoljiti te istražiti prednosti i nedostatke koje članstvo u Eurozoni donosi. Za potrebe izrade rada provedeno je primarno i sekundarno istraživanje. Sekundarno istraživanje odnosilo se na pregled znanstvene i stručne literature, dok se primarno istraživanje odnosilo na anketiranje ispitanika. Cilj anketnog ispitivanja bio je dobiti uvid u percepciju javnosti vezano uz euro te njegove prednosti i nedostatke. Rezultati istraživanja prema stručnoj literaturi ukazuju da su kao prednosti najčešće uočene stabilnost vrijednosti (euro je poznat stabilnosti, što smanjuje rizik od inflacije i valutne fluktuacije), jednostavnost trgovine (korištenje iste valute olakšava trgovinu između zemalja koje koriste euro, smanjujući potrebu za konverzijom valuta), veća transparentnost (eurozona ima zajedničku monetarnu politiku, što znači da su kamatne stope i inflacija bolje kontrolirane), povećanje investicija (investitori mogu biti skloniji ulaganju u zemlje koje koriste euro zbog veće financijske stabilnosti); dok su prema rezultatima primarnog istraživanja kao prednosti najčešće istaknute olakšano plaćanje, ukidanje potrebe za razmjenom novca te jedinstvena valuta. Najčešći nedostatci prema stručnoj literaturi jesu gubitak monetarne suverenosti, prilagodba ekonomske politike (zemlje moraju uskladiti svoje fiskalne politike kako bi se pridržavale pravila eurozone, što može biti ograničavajuće), rizik od krize duga (zemlje koje koriste euro ne mogu jednostavno devalvirati svoju valutu kako bi smanjile teret duga, što može dovesti do problema s dugom), neravnoteže u konkurentnosti (različite zemlje imaju različite ekonomske strukture, a uvođenje eura može povećati neravnoteže u konkurentnosti); dok su to prema ispitanicima povećanje cijena, gubitak vlastite valute te nesnalažljivost stanovništva. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this final thesis is to analyze the procedure for the entry of the Republic of Croatia into the eurozone, the criteria that the Republic of Croatia had to meet, and to investigate the advantages and disadvantages that membership in the eurozone brings. Primary and secondary research was conducted for the purposes of creating the paper. The secondary research was related to the review of scientific and professional literature, while the primary research was related to surveying respondents. The aim of the survey was to gain insight into the public's perception of the euro and its advantages and disadvantages. The results of the research according to the professional literature indicate that the most frequently observed advantages are value stability (the euro is known for its stability, which reduces the risk of inflation and value fluctuations), ease of trade (using the same value facilitates trade between countries that use the euro, reducing the need for currency conversion). , greater transparency (the eurozone has a common monetary policy, which means that interest rates and inflation are better controlled), increased investment (investors may be more inclined to invest in countries that use the euro due to greater financial stability); while, according to the results of the primary research, the advantages most often highlighted are easier payment, the abolition of the need to exchange money, and a single currency. The most common disadvantages according to the professional literature are the loss of monetary sovereignty, the adjustment of economic policy (countries have to harmonize their fiscal policies in order to comply with the rules of the eurozone, which can be restrictive), the risk of a debt crisis (countries that use the euro cannot simply devalue their value in order to reduce the debt burden, which can lead to debt problems), imbalances in competitiveness (different countries have different economic structures, and the introduction of the euro can increase imbalances in competitiveness); while, according to the respondents, these are price increases, loss of self-worth, and the population's lack of resourcefulness. |