Abstract | U sklopu ovog završnog rada analizirat će se razni aspekti popraćeni zakonskim i podzakonskim regulativama kojih se predstavnička i izvršna tijela moraju pridržavati. Kako bi građani stekli povjerenje u sustav te kako bi se smanjio otpor prema istom, nužno je da jedinice lokalne samouprave svoj način rada javno prikažu, odnosno da bude transparentan. Poseban akcent usmjerit će se na to da transparentno treba biti sve što je od javnog interesa, krećući se od proračunskih podataka, do podataka ustrojene imovine u vlasništvu jedinica lokalnih samouprava pa sve do geografsko-informacijskih podataka, imovinskopravnih i slično. Odnos uprave prema građanima, može se lako uočiti u transparentnosti, u prilagođavanju uvjeta prilikom jednostavne nabave, omogućavanju ostvarenja nekog prava građana, u isplatama raznih novčanih pomoći. S druge strane, građani prema upravi također trebaju se odnositi na način da podmiruju svoje obveze, bilo u vidu komunalnih ili grobnih naknadi, uplatom prireza, poreza i drugo. Svrha završnog rada jest predočiti sliku kako jedinice lokalne samouprave već jesu u korak s modernim načinim upravljanja, te se ulažu resursi da bi kompletan odnos podigao se na još veću razinu. |
Abstract (english) | As a part of this final work, various aspects accompanied by legal and by-law regulations that the representative and executive bodies must adhere to, will be analyzed. In order for citizens to gain trust in the system, and to reduce resistance, it is necessary for local self-government units to display their way of working to the public, which means being transparent. Special accent will be dericted that everything that is of public interest should be transparent, starting from budget data, to data on organized assets owned by local selfgovernment units, and all the way to geographical information data, property law, ect. The government's attitude towards the citizens can be easily seen in transparency, in the adjustment of conditions during the process of simple procurement, in enabling the realization of certain rights of citizens, in the payment of various financial aids. On the other hand, citizens should also treat the government in a way that they settle their obligations, either in the form of communal or burial fees, by paying surtaxes, taxes, etc. The purpose of this final work is to present the work of local self-government units which are already working using modern management methods, and resources are being invested to raise the entire relationship to an even higher level. |