Abstract | Zadatak ovog završnog rada bila je opisati i organizirati gala večeru. U radu se govori o samom osmišljavanju takve vrste večere, opisani su svi pripremni radovi potrebni za organizaciju gala večere, od pripreme dvorane i postavljanja stolova u dvorani, prostiranje stolnjaka, postavljanje i ukrašavanje stolova, organizacija posluživanja, doček gostiju, te završne radovi. gala večera je elegantna, svečana, te se organizira povodom raznih događaja, poput diplomatskih prijema, dodjela nagrada, dobrotvornih događaja. Luksuzan ambijent jedan je od glavnih karakteristika ovakvih večera, organizira se uglavnom u najluksuznijim hotelima, dvoranama, muzejima, dvorcima i slično.
Kod osmišljavanja gala večere vodilo se time da se stvori novi oblik gala večere, popraćen trendovima u ugostiteljstvu, ali i trendovima koje se provlače kroz kulinarski svijet. Sama funkcija gala večere je po pravilima struke, ali je drugačije koncipirana. U pravilu se za takve svečanosti koriste velike ukrašene dvorane, dok je novo osmišljena gala večera potpuna suprotnost, gdje fokus nije na detaljima u dvorani, već detaljima na tanjuru. |
Abstract (english) | The task of this final paper was to describe and organize a gala dinner. The paper talks about to the very design of this type of dinner, all the preparatory work necessary for the organization of the gala dinner is described, from the preparation of the hall and the setting of the tables in the hall, the spreading of the tablecloth, the setting and decoration of the tables, the organization of serving, the reception of guests, and the final works. the gala dinner is elegant, festive, and is organized on the occasion of various events, such as diplomatic receptions, awards, charity events. The luxurious ambience is one of the main characteristics of such dinners, they are organized mainly in the most luxurious hotels, halls, museums, castles and the like.
When designing the gala dinner, it was guided by the idea of creating a new form of gala dinner, accompanied by trends in catering, but also by trends that permeate the culinary world. The function of the gala dinner itself is according to the rules of the profession, but it is conceived differently. As a rule, large decorated halls are used for such ceremonies, while the newly designed gala dinner is the complete opposite, where the focus is not on the details in the hall, but on the details on the plate. |